farmers market(place)

a 24/hr photography and net curation project by ava holtzman
today when i left my flat i saw...

a fish laying on the ground. (no really).

i was on my way to tesco when it suddenly occurred to me that in all seriousness, i live in london and prices are outrageous and therefore perhaps now should mark my new era of 2024 hunter-gathering and i should forage this fish instead of continuing on my journey
i texted my flatmate about the fish and asked:

"how much do you think i could get if i put pictures of foraged food on facebook marketplace to sell?"

she answered:

"well if you made it funny...probably enough to at least buy a taco shell for your fish"
ciao dear jury, thank you for reading!

so this is extremely campy and old-internet and i am very aware of it.

while working on this page today, the question around making art about and more intimately connected to myself has stuck with me and i have been mulling over it as this page came together

i sometimes feel as though my portfolio is so serious, and i was reflecting on how i love funny art, but i really never make funny art

so here is some funny, tongue-in-cheek, meme-y art.

hope you enjoyed, because i really did :)

so i spent the day in the city "grocery shopping"

and collected a series of images of the items i encountered:

taking inspired from a project i discovered years ago:

i present a series of entirely serious digital ads for the highest quality of foraged london street foods .......